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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Very cool day

*** This blog was actually written on Friday morning, but we haven't had internet, so there was a delay in posting it. I'll send tons of pics and another update tonight.

Yesterday was a good day. It was actually the kind of day that I expected most days to be like on this trip. We got up early (we haven't needed an alarm on this trip) and met with a great guy who started a Christian school for 300 kids and who is building a place to house work groups at his amazing house. He is doing everything by hand including welding intricate curved ceiling rafters and cutting down mango trees to make planks for the flooring.


The school is in what feels like a remote corner of Managua. We needed every bit of the 4 wheel drive to get to the place.  When we got there the kids were amazing. They were really outgoing and fun. They weren't as shy as some of the other kids we ran into. I could see us doing a trip here.


Jordan was leading the way as we walked through a field and he stepped on what we both thought was a rock but turned out to be a cow patty. It got on his new fake Adidas shoes that he bought after his "Joysport" backpack and fake Nike shades.


Secondly we went to a youth and kids church.  They have 300 kids and between 60-90 youth. It is run by some American missionaries who are doing some really cool things. This place is cool because I could see us doing an entire trip here or just doing part a trip (like a youth rally or something) here. Plus we saw the biggest roach on planet earth. Do you know the 4 or 5 inch drain in your kitchen sink?  He filled it. Length and width. 


Finally, we met with a missionary couple that is doing some cool things trying to bring clean water to the coast of Nicaragua. We went and ate pupusas with them. The restaurant was really cool, but my cheese pupusa tasted like it had an entire stick of butter in it.


Speaking of restaurants, Central American ketchup packets are nearly impossible to open. Trying to tear, bite, or cut with your plastic knife is pretty much futile. In fact, I'm pretty sure most catsup (for those who prefer that spelling) packets already have teeth marks in them from people who tried before and gave up.


I miss the Mudlets and my friends and loved ones.  I miss showers that you can choose the temperature. I miss peanut butter. I miss healthy food options. I miss sugar free drinks. I'm sick of having to choose from which of the 4 plantain items with my meal.  I miss bbq sauce and taco bell and BASEBALL. I miss getting in the car and driving somewhere. I miss my dvr. I want McDonald's here to carry salads and in Florida to carry queso pies (do you hear that Jessica and Reshma  of the Rock Springs Road McDonalds...I know you can make this happen). 


For all the things and people I miss, I'm having a wonderful time traveling with incredible guys.


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